Resolute is a language and tool for developing architectural assurance cases. A user specifies rules for constructing assurance cases and provides an architectural model. Resolute instantiates those rules based on the architectural model and searches for a complete assurance case. The rules are specified in a Prolog-like logical language, and the architectural model is specified in AADL.
An assurance case language for architecture models
- Towards a Methodology to Design Provably Secure Cyber-physical Systems. F. Malaquias, G Giantamidis, S Basagiannis, S. F. Rollini, I. Amundson. Ada User Journal, Vol. 44(2), June 2023.
- Synthesizing Verified Components for Cyber Assured Systems Engineering. E. Mercer, K. Slind, I. Amundson, D. Cofer, J. Babar, D. Hardin. Software and Systems Modeling, March 2023.
- Checking Compliance of AADL Models with Modeling Guidelines using Resolint. I. Amundson. SAE AeroTech, March 2023.
- Cyber Assured Systems Engineering at Scale. D. Cofer, I. Amundson, J. Babar, D. Hardin, K. Slind, P. Alexander, J. Hatcliff, Robby, G. Klein, C. Lewis, E. Mercer, J. Shackleton. IEEE Security and Privacy, May-June 2022.
- Synthesizing Verified Components for Cyber Assured Systems Engineering. E. Mercer, K. Slind, I. Amundson, D. Cofer, J. Babar, D. Hardin. Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), October 2021.
- Steal This Drone: DEF CON 29 Aerospace Village Activity. D. Cofer, I. Amundson, E. Barker, E. Hellman, M. Podhradsky, S. Zhuang. DEF CON Aerospace Village, August 2021.
- Resolute Assurance Arguments for Cyber Assured Systems Engineering. I. Amundson, D. Cofer. Design Automation for CPS and IoT (DESTION 2021), May 2021.
- A Formal Approach to Constructing Secure Air Vehicle Software. D. Cofer, A. Gacek, J. Backes, M. Whalen, L. Pike, A. Foltzer, M. Podhradsky, G. Klein, I. Kuz, J. Andronick, G. Heiser, D. Stuart. IEEE Computer Magazine, November 2018.
- Secure Mathematically-Assured Composition of Control Models. D. Cofer, J. Backes, A. Gacek, D. DaCosta, M. Whalen, I. Kuz, G. Klein, G. Heiser, L. Pike, A. Foltzer, M. Podhradsky, D. Stuart, J. Grahan, B. Wilson. HACMS Final Report, October 2017.
- Requirements and Architectures for Secure Vehicles. M. Whalen, D. Cofer, A. Gacek. IEEE Software 33(4):22-25, June 2016, doi:10.1109/MS.2016.94.
- Resolute: an assurance case language for architecture models. A. Gacek, J. Backes, D. Cofer, K. Slind, M. Whalen. HILT 2014.