Dr. Jennifer Davis leads the Trusted Methods Team in the Applied Research & Technology (ART) organization at Collins Aerospace. This team specializes in formal methods techniques and tools, together with their applications in the aerospace and defense industry. Dr. Davis has served as the Collins Aerospace Principal Investigator (PI) for several government-sponsored research programs on developing and applying high-assurance approaches to the verification and validation of autonomous systems. In particular, she served as PI for the NASA-sponsored Assured Human Machine Interface for Increasingly Autonomous Systems (AHMIIAS) project, which developed a framework for assuring Increasingly Autonomous Systems in human-machine teams. Dr. Davis earned her Ph.D. in Mathematics at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. She joined Collins Aerospace (formerly Rockwell Collins) in 2007.

- Assuring Learning-Enabled Increasingly Autonomous Systems. N. Narayan, P. Ganeriwala, R. Jones, M. Matessa, S. Bhattacharyya, J. Davis, H. Purohit, S. F. Rollini. IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), 2023.
- Assuring Increasingly Autonomous Systems in Human-Machine Teams: An Urban Air Mobility Case Study. S. Bhattacharyya, J. Davis, A. Gupta, N. Narayan, M. Matessa. Third Workshop on Formal Methods for Autonomous Systems, October 2021.
- Formal Specification and Analysis of Spacecraft Collision Avoidance Run Time Assurance Requirements. K. Hobbs, J. Davis, L. Wagner, E. Feron. 2021 IEEE Aerospace Conference.
- When Human Intuition Fails: Using Formal Methods to Find an Error in the 'Proof' of a Multi-Agent Protocol. J. Davis, D. Kingston, L. Humphrey. CAV 2019.
- SpeAR v2.0: Formalized Past LTL Specification and Analysis of Requirements. A. Fifarek, L. Wagner, E. Hoffman, B. Rodes, M. Aiello, J. Davis. NASA Formal Methods Symposium, May 2017.
- Enhancing Autonomy with Trusted Cognitive Modeling. S. Bhattacharyya, J. Davis, T. Vogl, M. Fix, A. McLean, M. Matessa, L. Smith-Velazquez. AUVSI Unmanned Systems, May 2015.
- Creating Formally Verified Components for Layered Assurance with an LLVM to ACL2 Translator. D. Hardin, J. McClurg, J. Davis. 7th Layered Assurance Workshop, December 2013.
- Study on the Barriers to the Industrial Adoption of Formal Methods. J. Davis, M. Clark, D. Cofer, A. Fifarek, J. Hinchman, J. Hoffman, B. Hulbert, S. Miller, L. Wagner. FMICS 2013.