About us
Loonwerks is a collection of formal methods researchers associated with the Trusted Methods group in Collins Aerospace. Our work is focused on the use of formal methods to create safe and secure avionics software. We build tools that make the latest advances in automated analysis from the research community accessible to system and software developers in industry.
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What's new
Collins Aerospace run-time assurance and formal methods technologies are at the heart of this DARPA Assured Autonomy demonstration. Check out this video produced by our colleagues at Boeing.
- Towards Explainable Compositional Reasoning. I. Amundson, A. Tahat, D. Hardin, D. Cofer. 3rd International Workshop on Explainability of Real-time Systems and their Analysis (ERSA), December 2024.
- Proof Repair Utilizing Large Language Models: A Case Study on the Copland Remote Attestation Proofbase. A. Tahat, D. Hardin, A. Petz, P. Alexander. AISoLA, October 2024.
- Evaluation of New Assurance Tools for Airborne Machine Learning-Based Functions. C. Liu, H. Herencia-Zapana, S. Hasan, A. Tahat, I. Amundson, D. Cofer. 43rd Digital Avionics Systems Conference, October 2024.
- Hierarchical Assurance Patterns for Cyber-Resilient Systems Engineering. I. Amundson, D. Cofer, D. Hardin, J. Hatcliff. 43rd Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC 2024), October 2024.
- Zero-Trust Design and Assurance Patterns for Cyber-Physical Systems. S. Hasan, I. Amundson, D. Hardin. 28th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, June 2024.
- Industrial Scale Proof Engineering for Critical Trustworthy Applications (INSPECTA). D. Cofer. High Confidence Systems and Software Conference, May 2024.
- Transforming AADL Models Into SysML 2.0: Insights and Recommendations. K. Litwin, I. Amundson, D. Verma, T. McDermott. SAE AeroTech, March 2024.

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