Ghost Talk: Mitigating EMI Signal Injection Attacks against Analog Sensors
D. Kune, J. Backes, S. Clark, D. Kramer, M. Reynolds, K. Fu, Y. Kim, W. Xu
Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2013
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) affects circuits by inducing voltages on conductors. Analog sensing of
signals on the order of a few millivolts is particularly sensitive
to interference. This work (1) measures the susceptibility of
analog sensor systems to signal injection attacks by intentional,
low-power emission of chosen electromagnetic waveforms, and
(2) proposes defense mechanisms to reduce the risks.
Our experiments use specially crafted EMI at varying power
and distance to measure susceptibility of sensors in implantable
medical devices and consumer electronics. Results show that
at distances of 1–2 m, consumer electronic devices containing
microphones are vulnerable to the injection of bogus audio
signals. Our measurements show that in free air, intentional
EMI under 10 W can inhibit pacing and induce defibrillation
shocks at distances up to 1–2 m on implantable cardiac electronic devices. However, with the sensing leads and medical
devices immersed in a saline bath to better approximate the
human body, the same experiment decreased to under 5 cm.
Our defenses range from prevention with simple analog
shielding to detection with a signal contamination metric based
on the root mean square of waveform amplitudes. Our contribution to securing cardiac devices includes a novel defense
mechanism that probes for forged pacing pulses inconsistent
with the refractory period of cardiac tissue.