AACE: Automated Assurance Case Environment for Aerospace Certification
Z. Daw, T. Wang, C. Oh, M. Low, I. Amundson, A. Pinto, M. Chiodo, G. Wang, S. Hasan, R. Melville, P. Nuzzo
42nd AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2023
A certification process evaluates whether the risk of a system is acceptable for its intent. Certification processes are complex and usually human-driven, requiring expert evaluators to determine software conformance to certification guidelines based on a large number of development artifacts. These processes may result in superficial, biased, and long evaluations. In this paper, we propose a computer-aided assurance framework, called Automated Assurance Case Environment (AACE), enabling synthesis and validation of assurance cases (ACs) based on a system’s specification, assurance evidence, and domain expert knowledge captured in AC patterns. A commercial aerospace case study shows that the generated ACs are meaningful, and numerical results show the efficiency of AACE.