The Analysis and Mapping of Cyclic Circuits with Boolean Satisfiability
J. Backes, B. Fett, M. Riedel
Technical Report. 2011
The accepted wisdom is that combinational circuits
must have
(i.e., loop-free or feed-forward) topologies. And
yet simple examples suggest that this need not be so. Prior work
advocated the design of
combinational circuits (i.e., circuits
with loops or feedback paths). A methodology was proposed
for optimizing circuits by introducing cycles at the technology-
independent stage of synthesis.
Efficient synthesis is predicated on efficient analysis. Prior
methods for analysis were based on binary decision diagrams
(BDDs). In this paper, a much more efficient technique is
proposed based on Boolean satisfiability (SAT). Validation is
performed both at a network level, in terms of functional
dependencies, as well as at a gate level, after mapping to a
library. When mapping breaks the validity of a combinational
circuit, SAT-based analysis returns satisfying assignments; these
assignments are used to modify the mapping in order to ensure
that the circuit remains combinational. The effectiveness of the
analysis and mapping algorithms is demonstrated on standard