The Synthesis of Cyclic Dependencies with Craig Interpolation
J. Backes, M. Riedel
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Logic Synthesis, Berkeley, CA. 2009
The accepted wisdom is that combinational circuits
must have acyclic
(i.e., loop-free or feed-forward) topologies.
And yet simple examples suggest that this need not be so. In
previous work, we advocated the design of
circuits (i.e., circuits with loops or feedback paths). We proposed
a methodology for synthesizing such circuits and demonstrated
that it produces significant improvements in area and in delay.
Cycles are introduced in the restructuring and minimization
phases, at the level of functional dependencies. In the original
formulation, the functional dependencies were obtained through
SOP minimization with the Berkeley SIS package; validation
was performed with BDD-based analysis. In recent work, we
presented a SAT-based technique for validation. In this paper, we
present a SAT-based method for synthesizing cyclic dependencies,
through Craig interpolation. While full synthesis results are
not presented in this work, it is our plan to incorporate this
methodology into a full synthesis routine soon.